Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Which Signs in a Facility Need to be ADA Compliant?

While the Americans with Disabilities Act has been around for a long time, some businesses are still risking fines by not having compliant signs and they may not even know it. Whether you’re opening up a new location, or just taking stock of the signs in your current property, it’s wise to determine if you have the ADA compliant signs you need to avoid fines and make those with disabilities comfortable on your property in Folsom and Sacramento.

ADA compliant signs

Which Signs Need to be ADA Compliant?

There are three main types of rooms that need ADA compliant braille signs:

1. Permanent Signs
Any room that has a permanent function needs to have an ADA compliant sign to label it. A permanent function is a purpose the room has for seven days or more. For example, if you have an office that is designated to a specific person for more than seven days, that office needs a label. However, if you have a room that functions as an office one day a week, a meeting room the next, and a prayer room the rest of the week, you don’t need a sign for it. If the room ever has a purpose for more than seven days, then you would need to install a sign.

Other common examples of permanent rooms include kitchens, dining rooms, staff rooms and washrooms. ADA compliant restroom signs are required at every bathroom, but you should pay special attention to the ones that label accessible washrooms.

2. Accessibility Signs
Typically, signs in parking lots and outdoors do not need to be ADA compliant. However, if the sign has to do with accessibility, it’s an exception. For example, signs that designate accessible parking spots need to follow ADA rules for such signs. Typically, these signs do not need to be ADA compliant Braille signs but do have other requirements.

3. Safety Signs
Lastly, signs that relate to safety must be ADA compliant so that those with disabilities can heed their warning and be safe on the property. This includes emergency exit signs, signs for elevators and signs that label stairways.

Choose 4 Directions Signs & Graphics

We can create ADA compliant signs for any space on your property. We can also help you make sure that your existing signs follow the rules. Reach out to us to get started on your ADA compliant restroom signs or other ADA signs.


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